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Exploration of Basic Numerical Processing in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An Event-related Potential Study


目的:基礎數值處理(basic numerical processing)的能力會影響個體日後數學表現,本研究藉著電腦化基礎數值處理任務來探討注意力缺失過動症(以下簡稱ADHD)兒童與一般兒童在基礎數值處理之差異。方法:研究招募國小二至四年級兒童受試者,並依診斷分為ADHD組(8.9±1歲)和控制組(8.8±0.8歲),每組各20人,並控制智力、性別、慣用手與年齡變項,兩組皆進行電腦化視算與估算測驗。此外,並使用事件相關腦電位來觀察受試者在進行基礎數值處理任務時的認知處理歷程。結果:在基礎數值處理任務中,ADHD兒童呈現較長反應時間與較低正確率,顯示ADHD兒童的確具有較差的基礎數值處理表現。事件相關腦電位結果顯示,ADHD兒童在基礎數值處理的視算與估算任務中,具有較小的P3平均振幅(p=.03; p=.028),顯示ADHD兒童在負責處理數值處理的腦區可能有受損。結論:ADHD兒童具有較差的基礎數值處理表現,其原因可能是由於處理數值的潛在神經認知系統受損所導致。未來應提早篩檢兒童之基礎數值處理能力,並加以擬定適合的介入計畫,以利兒童日後之數學表現。


Basic numerical processing serves as a foundation for mathematics. The aim of this study was to compare basic numerical processing between children with attention-deficit/hyeractivity disorder (ADHD) and typically developing children (TD). Twenty children with ADHD (age: 8.9±1 years) and 20 TD (age: 8.8±0.8 years) were recruited and matched in intelligence quotient, gender, handedness, and age. All participants performed the subitizing task and approximating task. The underlying cognitive processes of basic numerical processing were measured at the same time by using an event-related potential (ERP) technique. The results indicated that children with ADHD had lower accuracy and responded more slowly than TD in the subitizing and approximating tasks. The ERPs measures indicated that children with ADHD had smaller P3 amplitude in the subitizing (p =.03) and approximating (p =.028) tasks. Our results suggest that children with ADHD had impaired basic numerical processing from the behavioral and neural correlates of non-symbolic comparison tasks. It is important for therapists to identify decifits of children with ADHD in basic numerical processing in early stage and provide appropriate intervention to enhance their mathematical learning.
