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A Research on Organizational Commitment to Parent Company of Taiwan Firms' Staffs in Mainland China which are Influenced by Parent Company Oriented Human Resource Management


大陸佔世界五分之一人口的市場,已成為全世界投資者注目的焦點,尤其,在國內愈形激烈的種種不利投資經營環境下,企業為求永續經營乃競相赴大陸求發展,雖然大陸具備了許多優良的投資條件,惟對台商在大陸經營而言確保幹部對母公司忠誠度必然是管理上的重點之一。因此,如何運用人力資源管理的活動,增強大陸台商幹部對台灣母公司的組織承諾,以降低企業經營不確定性,乃為本研究之動機。 本研究假設係包括以1.任用2.訓練3.薪資福利4.考核5.前程規劃等五項人力資源管理功能及內涵活動(自變數),探究台商大陸幹部對母公司組織承諾(依變數)之影響。 本研究結果驗證了人力資源管理活動確實會影響大陸台商幹部對台灣母公司的組織承諾,而此一研究結果應可以提供作為大陸台商在管理幹部時之依據及後續相關研究作為之參考。


Mainland China, the market of one fifth population in the world, Has been the investment focus to Taiwan firms. Therefore, how to use activities of human resource management to enhance Taiwan firms' staffs in Mainland China whose organizational commitment to parent company. In order to maintain the performance and competition power is the motive in this research. The five sets of hypotheses in the research are 1.recrutment 2.training 3.salary and welfare 4.performance evaluation 5.career-planning which are influence factors to the organizational commitment to parent company of Taiwan firms' staffs in Mainland China. The conclusion of the research has testified that most of the five sets of parent company oriented human resource management are effective to influence the organizational commitment to parent company of Taiwan firms' staffs in Mainland China. The conclusion of this research should able to be a base for Taiwan firms in managing staffs in Mainland China and to be valuable for future study.


