  • 期刊


Immunopathogenesis and prospective therapy of dengue virus infection


登革病毒感染所引發的登革熱及出血性登革熱是一種重要的節肢動物所傳染的病毒性疾病. 每年約有五千萬人被感染及約五十萬人因出血性登革熱而住院治療,主要發生在東南亞,太平洋國家及美洲國家,而四種血清型的登革病毐感染都會造成此疾病. 目前全世界正採取積極的策略來監控此病毒感染以防止其爆發性傳染所造成的負擔, 除了努力控制病媒蚊及改善環境,也已研發出早期快速診斷的技術. 本文將敍述有關登革病毒感染之免疫病理機轉,診斷及疾病控制之最新進展,並提供抗登革病毒藥物及疫苗的研發近況。


Dengue virus infection can cause dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever which are important arthropod-borne viral diseases. Each year, there are ~50 million dengue infections and ~500,000 individuals are hospitalized with dengue hemorrhagic fever, mainly in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and Americas. Illness is produced by any of the four dengue virus serotypes. A global strategy aimed at increasing the capacity for surveillance and outbreak response, changing behaviors and reducing the disease burden using integrated vector management in conjunction with early and accurate diagnosis has been advocated. This review will provide an update on our understanding of the immunopathogenesis of this successful pathogen, how we diagnose and control infection and the progress that has been made in antiviral drugs and vaccine development.


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