  • 期刊


A study of the Condition of Final Test Anxiety in Nursing Students: An Preliminary Inventory for Measuring Practice Anxiety in Clinical Nursing Students


此篇研究之目的是(1)修訂「賴張氏焦慮量表」,(2)暸解護生於三年級上學期期末考時的焦慮狀況。於修訂量表部份,是以中部某醫專五專部工安科及護理科學生,計1025名之施測結果為之;原量表有76題,包含情緒變化、認知變化、生理變化三個向度,經以信度分析及因素分析後,計得73道題目,15個因素,總量表之信度α值為0.9653,情緒變化量表為0.8637,認知變化量表為0.9378,生理變化量表為0.9358;量表之標準分數常模;0-31分為正常,32-58為輕度焦慮,59-76分為中度焦慮,77-90分為重度焦慮,91分以上為極重度焦慮。於暸解護生於三年級上學期期末考時的焦慮狀況部份,是以該醫專五專部護理科三年級全部學生為樣本,計418名,於期末考結束後即予施測。結果得到輕度焦慮者居第一位(29.0%),中度焦慮者居第二位(25.5%),極重度焦慮者居第三位(20.4%),重度焦慮者居第四位(18.0%),正常者居第五位(7.0%)。研究中並將焦慮症狀依出現焦慮症狀之人次及平均焦慮分數做排名,前十名依次為:(一)以出現焦慮症狀之人次排名:1. 覺得自己有待改善或需要更努力;2. 感覺緊張;3. 擔心事情會不順利;4. 對還是未知數的事情,想像假如其能實現該多好;5. 感覺焦慮;6. 難集中注意力;7. 擔心自己在別人面前表現差;8. 害怕別人不贊成自己;9. 想回家(或住處)休息;10. 且不想被打擾。(二)以平均焦慮分數排名:1. 覺得自己有待改善或需要更努力;2. 想回家(或住處)休息;3 希望改變現狀;4. 對還是未知數的事情,想像假如其能實現該多好;5. 感到疲倦;6. 難集中注意力;7. 擔心自己在別人面前表現差;8. 擔心事情會不順利;9. 想逃離某些情境或場所;10. 不想被打擾。


考試焦慮 焦慮症狀


The development of a 73- item self-report inventory for measuring the severity of anxiety in nursing students is described. The initial item pool of 76 items was drawn from previous literatures. A series of analyses was used to reduce and validate the item pool. The total sample size was 1,026. The resulting Lai-Chang Anxiety Inventory (LCAl) is a 73-item scale that showed high internal consistency (α =0.9653). The LCAl was administered to measuring the intensity of final test anxiety in 418 nursing students. This study revealed that 7% students were normal, 29% were slightly anxiety, 25.5% were moderate, 18% were severe, and 20.4% were extremely anxiety.


anxiety test anxiety anxiety symptom
