  • 期刊


Construct of Member Satisfaction Scale for Health Fitness Instructor Service Quality


健康休閒俱樂部會員的維繫乃組織可否成功經營的重要指標,而維繫會員主要途徑須藉由完善的設施與提供令人滿意的服務品質。國內目前尚無衡量體適能指導員服務品質滿意度的工具,而本研究主要的目的乃在於建構一有效之衡量工具藉以恆量俱樂部會員對體適能指導員服務品質的滿意程度。本研究以自編之「體適能指導員服務品質滿意度量表」為研究工具,對台灣某知名連鎖健康俱樂部會員進行體適能指導員服務品質滿意度調查。回收之預試問卷及正式問卷以SPSS統計套裝軟體及LISREL 8.30進行統計分析。經資料分析後,本研究所建構之正式「體適能指導員服務品質滿意度」量表一共獲得3個包涵15個衡量變項的因素。量表各問項之Cronbach’s α係數皆在0.85以上,驗證性因素分析之因素負荷量亦在0.6以上,顯示本研究所見夠量表之信、效度具有可信之程度。本量表之建構將有助於體適能俱樂部暸解會員對體適能指導員服務品質的滿意度,藉以調整體適能指導員的功能及工作內容。本研究根據所得結果針對後續研究及本問卷之引用提出些許建議。


By means of providing both the excellent facilities and comfortable service quality, club member could then be efficiently remained, and with the high member retention rate, a health fitness club could be successfully operated. Because there is no specific questionnaire that measures member satisfaction toward health fitness instructor s service quality in this country, the purpose of this study was to construct a particular questionnaire to empirically measure the degree of satisfaction club member contributed to health fitness instructors. The instrument of this study was a self-designed questionnaire titled Scale of Service Quality Satisfaction toward Health Fitness Instructor . The subjects of this study were members from a notable chain-store health and recreation club in Taiwan. The gather data were then analyzed with SPSS statistics and LISREL 8.30. This study obtained 3 factors including 15 items from the constructed questionnaire in terms of data analyzing. The high Cronbach s coefficient above 0.85 and factor loadings above 0.6 for each question in the scale present the reliable accountability of reliability and validity. The construct of this scale will help health fitness club to understand the satisfaction degree club members perceive to health fitness instructors so as to adjust the function and job content for health fitness instructors. According the findings of this study, suggestions associated with future study and the use of this scale had been made.


張紹勳、張紹評;林秀娟(2000)。SPSS For Windows多變量統計分析(更新版)。台北市:松崗。
