  • 期刊

The effectiveness of a nationally implemented worksite tobacco hazard control project in Taiwan-identifying evaluation indicators using Delphi technique



目的:本研究目的為研擬職場菸害防制計畫評估指標,探討國內為降低吸菸率推動六年(2003-2008)職場菸害防制計畫的有效性。方法:本研究利用德懷術研擬職場菸害防制計畫評估指標,共180家職場於參與輔導後,依所研擬之指標評估推動績效。結果:由30位產官學專家評選指標,分為兩階段(初階/進階)、兩大面向(計畫過程/計畫績效)共12項評估指標,可能因職場運作的時間壓力,產界專家在初階指標中即評選計畫績效為評估指標。除此之外,180家參與職場菸害防制輔導的"計畫過程"與"計畫績效"的得分有顯著相關性(r*=0.86, p<0.001)。結論:因2003-2008年全國性職場吸菸率調查顯示有下降趨勢(25%-20%),呈現國內推動六年全國性職場菸害防制輔導,不僅有助於降低員工吸菸率,同時也提供國內修法一有力之資訊。本研究結果顯示在時間有限的壓力下,推動職場菸害防制應採取更有效的措施,且因職場菸害防制非主要議題,推動人員仍要考量職場菸害防制計畫的整體性,俾利持續進行菸害防制計畫的監督與改善。


德懷術 指標 菸煙 職場


Objective. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of worksite tobacco hazard prevention (THP) program through identifying evaluation indicators. Methods. A nationwide Delphi technique was used to develop key evaluation indicators. 180 volunteered corporations were recruited to launch THP programs supported by TH Control Centers. The field test of the evaluation indicators was conducted after on-site counseling. Results. Top 12 evaluation indicators were developed. Industry professionals were more supportive to measure the success of program outcome in initial stage of development. Additionally, there was a significant correlation of the summary scores between "program process" and "program outcome" of the 180 evaluated corporations (r*=0.86, p<0.001). Conclusion. There was evidence that this 6-year nationwide project of worksite tobacco hazard control had demonstrated markers of progress. It is implicated that promotion of worksite THP program should pursue more effective ways attributed to severe time constrains. Managers should establish comprehensive evaluation indicators and monitor progress for continuous improvement.


Delphi technique Indicators tobacco smoke Worksite


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