  • 期刊


Applying a database management system to Abnormal Pap Smears tracking




In this study, we approach electronic database creation and case management from the perspective of the end-user computing environment. By utilizing the capabilities of Microsoft Access, case managers can resolve difficulties of retrieve medical records for retrospective review or record entry manually. Therefore, case managers, on their own, can use Microsoft Access to create a case management system for Abnormal Pap Smear cases for the purpose of increase the efficiency of tracking these cases. The prototyping method is applied for creating graphic user interface layer of the tracking system. We use Unified Modeling Language (UML) to analyze the system logic and workflow to generate code snipe automatically. The MS Access software is the back-end database for data store. The tracking system is divided into three subsystems including ASC-US/LSIL, ASC-H/HSIL and Inadequacy of the specimen. The tracking system of Abnormal Pap Smear can ensure follow-ups in the timely manner. A case manager not only understand and keep tracking the status of each case, but also use the index of quality report is used to review and does action for providing better personal services. The case manager can apply the self-build model for different fields´ manner and achieving better work efficiency and service quality.


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