  • 期刊


An Analysis of Administrative Jurisprudence




This study is to discussion the theoretical concepts of administrative law and legal spirit, and acts as an administrative matter, involving Authority for the executive, and administrative law theory and legal spirit, that administrative organ made the administrative points, conclusion of an administrative contract, set the command and administrative rules and regulations, to determine the administrative plan, implementation of administrative guidance And procedures for processing petitions and other acts, should be a just, open and democratic process ,Principles of insurance administration in accordance with law, to protect the rights of the people, improve administrative efficiency, enhance the people to trust the executive. Therefor the basic concepts of administrative law, should be consistent with the principle of proportionality, the principle of trust protection, the principle of procedural justice, the concept of welfare countries principle, and the welfare state is the target of administrative law. The realization of the rule of law have a method that is robust, the taxation of the so-called conscription to defend the country , or the rule of law have re improve education, all in perfect culture, rule of law universal education, the majority of people's welfare more than selfish, Interests of several people shall be respected.


李惠宗 《憲法要義》,二版一刷。台北:元照,2004。
盧梭 (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)《社會契約論》(Du Contrat Social)
孟德斯鳩 (Charles Louis Montesquieu)《論法的精神》(De l'esprit des lois)
洛克 (John Locke)《政府論二講》(Two Treatises on Government)




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