  • 期刊


A Case Study of the Airborne Microorganism Types and Concentrations of an Outpatient Hall and Respiratory Care Wards at a District Hospital Y


為避免患者或陪同家屬於就診過程中感染疾病之風險,醫療場所通常對生物污染源之管控要求甚高,尤其在環保署於民國100年公告室內空氣品質管理法後,其作業環境對於室內空氣品質要求更高。故本研究針對地區醫院Y之門診大廳與呼吸照護病房中空氣之真菌與細菌種類與濃度進行採樣調查。研究結果顯示自2014年1月18日至2014年12月5日止,在地區醫院Y之室外、門診大廳、慢性呼吸照護病房,經安德森單階衝擊式採樣器採集,且利用TSA培養基培養48小時所得之細菌平均濃度±標準偏差(cfu/m^3)分別為178±94、937±281、509±109;而經MEA培養基培養96小時所得之真菌平均濃度±標準偏差(cfu/m^3)分別為378±127、259±75、307±188。採樣區域(門診大廳、慢性呼吸照護病房)中細菌及真菌濃度皆符合行政院環保署所訂定之室內空氣品質標準值1500(cfu/m^3)及1000(cfu/m^3)。此外從該醫院採樣區域獲得較多細菌種類為微球菌屬(Micrococcus sp.)與溶血葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus haemolyticus);真菌種類為草酸青黴菌(Penicillium oxalicum)與糖鐮刀菌(Fusarium sacchari)。


To avoid the risk of infection of the patients or accompanying families during consultation treatment, medical institutions usually have high requirements for the control of biological pollution sources. Especially after the Environmental Protection Agency announced the Indoor Air Quality Management Law in the Republic of China in 100, its operating environment has higher requirements for indoor air quality. Therefore, the study purpose attempted to understand the airborne microorganism concentration and types in outpatient hall and respiratory care wards at a District Hospital Y. The data collected from January 18, 2014 to December 5, 2014 at the three sampling sites (outdoor, outpatient hall and respiratory care wards). The concentration of bacteria by using TSA medium incubated for 48 hours were 178±94 cfu/m^3, 937±281 cfu/m^3 and 509±109 cfu/m^3, respectively. The fungi concentration by MEA medium incubated for 96 hours were 378±127 cfu/m^3, 259±75 cfu/m^3, and 307±188 cfu/m^3, respectively. The concentration of bacteria and fungi at the three sampling sites all meet the indoor air quality standard values of 1500 (cfu/m^3) and 1000 (cfu/m^3) set by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan. The dominant bacteria and fungi types of the District Hospital Y sampling sites (outpatient hall and respiratory care wards) were Micrococcus sp., Staphylococcus haemolyticus and Penicillium oxalicum, Fusarium sacchari.


行政院環保署環境檢驗所,檢測方法查詢, 2021 。網址: http:// www.epa.gov.tw/ niea/2DFE244D0317971E。
林子賢、廖宏章、黃衍璋、洪粕宸,2012,牙醫診間生物氣膠特性評估,勞工安全衛生研究季刊,20(1): 34-61。
