  • 期刊


An Experimental Study on the Healthy Diet Program for Elementary Student's Nutritional Cognition, Dietary and Consumption Behavior


本研究旨在探討健康飲食方案對國小學童營養認知、健康飲食與消費行為之影響,採不等組前測、後測之準實驗設計,以立意抽樣選取屏東地區的國小三年級學童為對象,並以單因子共變數分析檢測實證資料,以及歸納學習單的回饋重點。結果得知:首先,實驗方案對於學童在「營養認知、飲食行為與消費行為」不具實驗效果,由於受試者在相關變項的平均數偏高,呈現「天花板效應」,或是活動時間有限等因素所致。其次,即使學童擁有正確的營養知識,然而營養認知、飲食與消費行為卻未必同步。第三,學童大都認真參與並有8 成學童持正向回饋,學童偏好可以動手操作且與生活經驗接近的活動設計。整體而言,實驗方案應具有推廣的應用價值。最後,對於未來研究提供若干建議可供參考。


The purposes of this research were to explore the effect of implementing the healthy diet program on elementary student's nutritional cognition, dietary and consumption behavior. We adopted the pretest-posttest nonequivalent-group design to collect the empirical data.There were 61 third grade students of elementary school by purposing sampling from Pingtung area. The researcher used one-way ANCOVA statistical methods to analyze empirical data and summarize important feedback from learning sheet. We got some important conclusion as follows. First of all, there were no significant differences among nutritional cognition, dietary and consumption behavior of the different group. It maybe statistical ceiling effect and not be enough time restrictions. Secondly, even the subjects seem to have right nutritional knowledge, but there exited some inconsistent phenomenon among school children's nutritional cognition, dietary and consumption behavior. The third, most of experimental subjects seriously participated and also had 80percent giving positive feedback toward the "healthy diet program ". They preferred the curriculum design pattern which could be operated by oneself and accord with real life experiences. Consequently, the "healthy diet program" have good application for education staff to promote school children's healthy dietary habits. Finally, we also provide some recommendations to school educators and future research.
