  • 期刊


Gender Equity Within a Patriarchal Administrative System: An Institutional Ethnographic Exploration of the Frontline Workers in the Institution of the Gender Equity Education Act




After Gender Equity Education Act was enacted in 2004, all levels of schools were required to set up a standardized procedure to handle cases of sexual assaults and sexual harassment on campuses. Aiming at understanding the local institutionalization of the Act, the researcher interviewed six frontline workers whose everyday work is to carry out tasks assigned by the Act. Beginning the research from the standpoint of the frontline workers, the researcher also recorded her experiences as committee members and investigators across different local settings. In order to map the ruling relations of the institutionalisation of the Act, using Institutional Ethnography as a research approach enables the researcher to look for the texts that rule over the frontline workers' everyday work. The interviewees' experiential accounts direct the researcher to the texts produced by the local administrative system within which the frontline workers is framed as the lowest ranked administrator. Being trapped in the hierarchy of the administrative system, the frontline workers are less capable of demonstrating their expertise compared with those who work in the social welfare system. To improve the holes in the current system means that a supervisory system and a supporting network that is sensitive of local nuances is key to localize the Act across different campuses.
