  • 期刊


The Theory of "Dominant" and Its Use in the Study of Taiwanese Poetry


佇20世紀初期,tuè-tiòh Loo-se-a形式主義的發展,文學研究者táuh-táuh-á體會tiòh對歌詩「手路」研究的重要性,(平均值)M-koh,仝1首詩,仝1个作者,仝1个時代的作品内底的各種手路之間的關係到底是按怎?是按怎有tsit-kuá-á作家suah爱用另外1種手路,另外tsit-kuá-á作家suah爱用另外1種?遮的問题,it-tit到「布拉格語言學派」提出「主導」的颧念以後,才得tiòh解决。(平均值)E-sái講,「主導」tsit个颧念的産生,是20世紀文學理論佇形式主義以俊,koh 1个重要的進展。 本論文分作2个部分:第1部分紹介「主導」的相關理論kap伊形成的背景:第2部分用林宗源的詩作例,說明tsit種理論對lán分析台語詩的幫贊,以及伊到底beh按怎運用佇台語詩的分析面顶。


In the early 20th century, with the development of Russian formalism, literary studies researchers gradually realized the importance of the study of ”technique”. But how is the relationship between a variety of these ”technique” in the same text or the texts with same authors or at the same era? Why do some authors prefer a certain technique, while others prefer another kind of writer? These issues was not be resolved until the The ”Prague Linguistic Circle” (Prague School) has polished the theory of ”dominant”. We can say that the emergence of the theory ”dominant” is an important progress in the 20th century after the formalism. This paper is divided into two parts: In the first part we introduce the theory of ”dominant” and its background of development. In the second part we use the poems of Lim5 Chong-goan5 as the demo to show how to use the theory of ”dominant” in the analyse of the Taiwanese poems.


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