  • 期刊

Quantifying Lexical Formality: Between Medical Terminology and Lay Expression



語體正式度佮語體風格ê變異,長久以來是社會語言學家關心ê重點。咱teh表達概念ê時陣,語言使用者定定會因為根據互動過程ê各種情境,選用無仝款ê辭彙。佇這款背景之下,咱是毋是會當有一套會當獨立檢測情境正式度抑是辭彙正式度ê量化ê架構,來解釋情境佮辭彙選用ê互動關係?佇專業情境ê語言溝通,譬如醫生佮病人ê溝通,這ê議題牽涉著醫師使用醫學專業辭彙抑是常民疾病用語時,對醫病溝通產生啥物款ê影響?這篇論文ê目的就是欲探討而且提出測量辭彙語體正式度ê量化架構。筆者以台灣南部某教學醫院主治醫師使用台語為候診民眾介紹「骨質疏鬆」ê二場衛教演講做語料。根據「情境脫離度」('context-independence' Bernstein 1962; Hall 1976)佮「辭彙密度」('lexical density' Halliday 1989; McCarthy 1998) ê概念,筆者提出以下測量辭彙語體正式度ê四ê原則。(1)醫學辭彙是上高值佮基準值(Terminology serves as the absolute formal and ground base);(2)詮釋辭彙ê語意時陣,情境依存度jú低ê,情境脫離度jú koân,語意jú精準,語體正式度嘛jú koân (Precise meaning is highly context-independent and formal);(3)結構jú精簡ê,辭彙密度jú koân,正式度嘛jú koân (Concise structure is lexically dense and formal);(4)語意精準度較贏過結構精簡度的考量(Precision weighs more than concision)。


Linguistic formality and stylistic variation have long been an issue of concern to sociolinguists-how the intrinsic formality associated with a set of linguistic expressions can be quantified to be an independent variable to account for speakers' language choices in different social contexts. An issue related to linguistic formality in professional areas is how lexical choices between medical terms and lay expressions affect doctor-patient communication. However, the effects of lexical formality on social interaction can not be objectively explored if the intrinsic formality of lexical items is not clearly defined first. Based on two health education speeches on osteoporosis collected in a teaching hospital in southern Taiwan, this research proposes a framework for measuring the intrinsic linguistic formality conveyed by doctors' choices of Taiwanese lexical phrases in describing the disease 'osteoporosis' (i.e., 'kut-tsit soo-sang' in Taiwanese). Following the ideas of 'context-independence' (Bernstein 1962; Hall 1976) and 'lexical density' (Halliday 1989; McCarthy 1998), this framework sets up four principles, as follows. (1) Terminology is the absolute formal and baseline standard, e.g., 'kut-tsit soo-sang/bone-quality nonsolid' as the most formal phrase. (2) Precise and context-independent is formal, e.g., 'kut-thau phann/bone nonsolid' as more formal than 'kut-thau ham-sau/bone with cracks'. (3) Concise and dense is formal, e.g., 'kut-tsit/bone quality' as more formal than 'kut-thau e phin-tsit/bone quality'. (4) Semantic precision and context-independence weigh more than morphological concision and lexical density.


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