  • 期刊


Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Liquid Crystalline Copoly(ester imide)s


PBT(Polybutylene tercpht halate )因兼具良好的加工性、電氣性以及耐藥品性而廣用於電子零組件。但隨著近年來各種電子儀器產品商性能化及小型化的要求,耐熱性佳且流動性和尺寸安定性相當優秀的液晶聚合物(LCP)亦漸受重視,且其在材料剛性、延展性、焊接強度以及價格方面亦可達到與PBT相互補強的效果。有鑑於此,本文嘗試將含有亞醯胺鏈結(imide group)之液晶聚酯與價廉的PBT以共聚合的方式合成一系列不同單體組成比例的亞醯胺-酯(ester-imide)共聚合物,並針對共聚合物組成比例對其熱性質以及液晶性質的影響加以分析與探討。


PBT (Polybut ylene terephthalate) has been widel y used in electrical component for it's good properties of processing and chemical resistance. However, the demand for minimization of electrical device recently has made. Liquid Crystalline Polymer (LCP) which is characterized by high thermal stability and excellent mechanical properties become more important. In order to develop the material possessing better properties than PBT, we try to synthesize Liquid Crystalline Copoly(ester imide)s via polyesterification of PBT, 2,6-NDA, HBA, Hydroquinone diacetate and diacid with imide moieties. The effects of composition on the changes of thermal properties (Tg , Tm , and Ti ) and liquid crystalline properties will be exam ined.
