  • 期刊


A General Chemistry Laboratory Related to Materials Chemistry-Synthesis and Characterization of Y_2O_3: Eu^(3+) Photoluminescence Material


本研究乃設計以固態反應法製備Y_2O_3 : Eu^(3+)紅色螢光粉末之學生實驗教材。藉此材料化學實驗使學生學習固體反應法合成無機螢光材料,暸解螢光物質發光原理及螢光材料於光電領域之應用。本實驗以氧化釔及氧化銪或硝酸釔與硝酸銪為原料,經以分析天平稱取莫耳比為Y^(3+) : Eu^(3+) = 1.9 : 0.1 之原料粉末,將原料混合均勻並以瑪瑙研砵磨後之粉體,以壓片機2 ton/cm^2之壓力將其壓製成直徑2 cm 且厚度的為0.3 cm 之圓錠狀樣品,重於氧化鋁坩堝內,於高溫爐加熱至1100°C 空氣中高溫燒結12 小時(升降溫速率為5℃分鐘)將燒結後之產物以紫外光燈源長J長及短渡長照射均可激發ill征色螢光以硝酸犯錯為原料,製備所得Y_(2-x)Eu_xO_3 螢光粉末,由X光粉末繞射圖譜及光激光譜顯示其純度及發光強度均優於以氧化釔銪製備者,但其原料成本為氧化物之13倍。於普通化學實驗初步合成立Y_(2-x)Eu_xO_3無機螢光材料,可進一步於儀器分析實驗或物理化學實驗課程中測定其X光粉末聽射圖譜以鑑定其純度,並以光激光譜儀測定其激發與發射光譜,便成為一整合型實驗教材。


In this study, an experiment entitled "Synthesis and Characterization of Y_2O_3: Eu^(3+) Photoluminescence Material" is designed for General Chemistry Laboratory to introduce photoluminescence chemistry to the students. The white powder of Y_(1.9)Eu_(0.1)O_3 phosphor is synthesized through solid-state reaction of stoichiometric amounts of Y_2O_3 and Eu_2O_3 at 1100°C for 12 hrs in air. The as-prepared Y_(1.9)Eu_(0.1)O_3 phosphor can be excited by 254 nm, and 366 nm ultraviolet light, and red light emits. Moreover, nitrates of yttrium and europium can be used as the starting material. The Y_(1.9)Eu_(0.1)O_3 phosphor made by nitrate salts shows stronger photoluminescence intensity and higher purity than that made by oxides, but the cost of the nitrates is 13 times more than that of oxides. An integrated experiment including characterization ofY1.9Euo.103 phosphor by X-ray powder diffraction, and photoluminescence spectrometry can be extended from this experiment. Experimental techniques, such as grinding, pressing, sintering, and using ultraviolet light are demonstrated in this experiment.
