  • 期刊


Applying Champagne and Bunce's Learning Theory- Based Science Teaching To Enhance Senior High School Students' Creativities in Chemistry: Millikan Oil-Drop Experiment




Champagne and Bunce's learning-theory-based science teaching strategy has been adopted for the past ten years to enhance senior high school students' creativities in che-mistry. This teaching strategy may be viewed as complementary learning and instructional cycles. The learning cycle has three phases. Each phase is named according to a stage in the learning process. The phases are engagement, elaboration, and assessment. The learner engages in an academic task, elaborates the task, and assesses his or her progress toward satisfactory completion of the task. Engagement, elaboration, and assessment are advanced via interactions with other learners under the guidance of the teacher. The complementary instructional cycle also has three phases, which correspond to the phases of the learning cycle. The teacher sets the academic task, monitors interactions among the students and evaluates students' learning. This article describes and discusses the activities of an example of this teaching strategy, Millikan oil-drop experiment. The results of this example indicated that this teaching strategy could effectively enhance senior high school students ' creativities in chemistry.
