  • 期刊


The Application of Female Design Style on Cosmetic Chemistry Web Title


本研究主要是以女性為中心,設計最適合女性使用之化妝品化學學習網站,研究其學習成效,並針對各種不同特性之學習者做深入的探討。我們將修習生活化學課程之女性同學共100 人,依亂數法則分成兩組各50 人,一為控制組,給予一般學習網站內容;另一組為實驗組,給予專為女性特質設計之學習網站;另外男性同學100 人則依照相同模式分組作為對照數據使用。收集資料後,針對學生在學習成就測驗的結果進行T 檢定統計分析。研究結果發現:一、實驗組之學習成效分析結果具顯著差異,女性中心網路學習設計模式確實能提高女性學習者之學習成效。二、高先備知識之女性學習者,實驗組學生的學習成效明顯高於控制組。三、理學院女性學習者,實驗組學生的學習成效明顯高於控制組。四、以學習時間來說,花費較長時間之實驗組女性學習者之學習成效明顯高於控制組。五、在女性中心學習環境滿意度之問卷結果顯示,認為「非常同意」與「同意」之人數百分比總和為73.5%,遠大於「沒有意見」、「不同意」與「非常不同意」之百分比總和。因此,整體而言,學生對此女性中心學習環境都有正向的看法。


The purpose of this research is to design the female style learning environment on internet. Participants of this study are those female students who took the "Life Chemistry" course for the asynchronous distant program in Providence University. All 100 female students are separated into two groups randomly. The experimental group, which was in a special designed female style web environment and the controlled group, which was in a normal one. The other 100 male students are divided into two groups as above for compare usage. ACS test was used as a research tool and SPSS was used to analyze the data obtained. The results are as follow: 1.Female students who studied in the female design style learning environment out-perform regular one. 2.Students with profound knowledge have shown better learning achievement in the female design style learning environment. 3.Science college female students who studied in the female style environment have shown better achievement than other college female students. 4.Students who studied longer in the female design style learning environment have show better achievement. 5.The female students who studied in the female design style web show a high 73.5% satisfaction question ale on agree and agree completely, far greater than disagree total percentages.


Female Chemistry Learning E-Learning Education Gender
