  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship between Family Reading Environment and Quantity of Word Recognition for Primary Grade Students in Elementary Schools




The citizens’ reading ability represents a country’s competitiveness. The intention of all countries which actively foster children’s reading ability is to help students acquire knowledge and ability from the reading process, and to develop lifelong reading habits; hence childhood literary is very important. Literacy is the foundation of reading comprehension. Currently, our country’s national language textbooks all begin with literacy teaching which proves that word recognition plays a major role in the process of learning to read. Since family is every child’s first learning environment and parents often help to form kid’s reading habit, the study of family reading environment was included in the scope. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between primary grade students’ family reading environment and the quantity of their word recognition. The study subjects were 260 primary grade students and their parents at Gongguan Elementary School in Miaoli County, and data was collected through questionnaire and tests. The research tools used including the following: "The Questionnaire of the Primary Grade Students’ Reading Environment" and "Word Recognition Assessment Test". This study applied the method of t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The primary grade students’ family reading environment differed drastically depending on the family’s social status and family types. 2. The primary grade students’ quantity of word recognition showed significant difference with students’ gender and their family social status. 3. There are positive correlation among the primary grade students’ family reading environment and the quantity of their word recognition. According to the result of the study, we recommend that parents utilize public resources as an extension of their home libraries in order to motivate their kids actively and willing enjoy reading. Furthermore, we urge the teachers of primary grade students with difficulty in word recognition to employ appropriate teaching method in order to increase the quantity of their word recognition; to choose extracurricular reading materials according to their abilities so they can enjoy reading in order to establish the foundation for further learning.


吳明隆(2006)。SPSS 問卷統計分析實務。臺北市:五南出版社。


