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A Study of Building Trust in Government


各國政府信賴度嚴重下滑。而民主時代,政府信賴和治理緊密相連。人民對於政府信賴度嚴重下滑,導致政府施政不彰;而施政不彰又導致人民對於政府的信賴度低下滑,形成嚴重的惡性循環。研究如何建立政府信賴,以達成善治(good governance),已刻不容緩。本文以文獻分析法,探討在今日21世紀國際社會,各國政府如何建立政府信賴,以達成善治,及其理由,探析:各國政府信賴度嚴重下滑情形,分析政府信賴內涵及其文化底蘊。釐清政府信賴和治理之間的因果連結,最後提出改善政府信賴的具體作為,提供政府施政的參考。


政府信賴 善治


Trust is a necessary condition for a healthy democracy to be a good governance. How can Individual political representatives and governments with its respective branches foster trust to assure good governance that can respond to new social, political and economic requirements after globalization?This article tries to investigate the place and importance of trust in today's globalized societies and governments. It does that by first embarking upon a close examination of the theoretical definitions of the multifaceted concept of trust. It then draws on empirical examples and survey results to show a real situation of trust as well as how and why trust is emerging as a crucial issue facing the present-day government. Thirdly, the article attempts to establish the actual and potential causal links between different types of trust and effective governance.The author believes, reinventing the government can contribute to a better understanding and fostering of trust and good governance.


trust in government good governance


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