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The Approach on the Capacity of the Parliamentary Control to the Government in Modern Democracies




The parliaments in modern democracies should hold the responsibility of the control to the government, however, its effectiveness is quite controversial. This paper is focused on the analysis of the relations between the legislative and the administration, approach on the capacity of the legislative control to the administration, re-define the role model of the legislator, the regulation of the parliaments in the Constitution, and analyze nowadays how opposition becomes the very important power in the parliament to supervise the government and its overall crucial political influences. This paper discovers that the parliaments play different control role under the different combination of the legislative and the administration. Due to the congressmen or the opposition hold the certain control power, while executing the governmental actions, the government will be controlled by the congressmen because of the boycott toward particular projects and policies. Meanwhile the government belongs to the minority, it also will be refrained by other parties, opposition alliance or its own party. In the mean time, if the parliaments hold the capacity to legislate as to proceed the effective control to the government. However, the parliaments only keep the influence on the law but is not able to be against to the majority government, so its minor influence to the law or even no influence explains the same weakness. Therefore the power from the opposition becomes the important role. The parliament uses its control right to government and its instruments of control are precisely regulated, to play the assembly role between the administration and the people. Although there is the saying that the parliamentary system is on the decline, the parliaments still keep the traditional power which is not easy to be erased.


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