  • 期刊


The Consciousness of Lyricism in Ng Kim Chew's Post-Malayan Communist Writings: Huo, yu wei xian shi wu: Huang Jinshu Ma gong xiao shuo xuan




「後」馬共 造史 抒情 歷史債務 游離


This research looks at the fictional history of the Malayan Communist Party (馬共) in Ng Kim Chew's fictions and academic scholarship to discuss Ng's sentiments and observations of the Malayan Communist Party. The fictions under discussion include those collected in Huo, yu wei xian shi wu: Huang Jinshu Ma gong xiao shuo xuan (Fictions of Malayan Communist Party by Ng Kim Chew) and his early short fiction "Da Juan Zong" ("Big File"). Ng, through the process of "creating history," has purposely adopted the propaganda of the Party into his fictions to express his personal sentiments. In his fictions, he extends his sympathies towards the plight of the entire Mahua (馬華) ethnicity, literature and culture. This reading sheds light on how Ng's fictions adopt the sinophone diasporic lyricism to confront the Mahua community and foreground Malayan history, which, in a belated manner, demands the whole Mahua community to shoulder the historical burden of the social debts left by their ancestors. Thus, although the Malayan Emergency happened before Ng's time, Ng's fictions still seek to explore his personal identity within the historical debts of Mahua as a form of atonement for and amelioration of historical wounds.


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