  • 期刊


"Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre" Chung Wai Literary Quarterly Wavers Not at Its 40th Anniversary?!




Turning and turning! Ever since its founding in June 1972, Chung Wai has been undergoing a series of transformations. It inherited the spirit of Humanistic concerns as well as the dual emphasis on creative writing and scholarly research from the two contemporary journals, Wenxue Zazhi (Literary Review) and Xiandai Wenxue (Modern Literature), in the '50s and '60s. Subsequently, its focus was shifted from literary criticism to critical theory and cultural studies as the New Criticism approach became passe in the '80s. In the '90s, Chung Wai changed the Editor's title to "Editor in Chief" and invited guest editors to organize special issues to promote topics reflecting different concerns or speaking for different schools/approaches of critical theories. The journal redefined its mission in November 2003 and decided henceforth to exclude creative writings and translations of Western literature. In this way, it was made over as a pure scholarly journal and took on the task of building a bastion of literary theory and criticism. It now exudes elitism and continues to promote advanced learning and high theory. Instead of tracing the history of Chung Wai, this paper endeavors to analyze the changes in Chung Wai's management strategy and their consequences. Further, the paper explores the role of Chung Wai in the Arts and Humanities circles in Taiwan and the journal's contribution in advancing new waves of critical theory and criticism.


