  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Hepatitis B Acute Attack




B型肝炎 肝衰竭 無力感


This paper describes the experience of caring for a patient with hepatitis B acute attack. During the time of admitted in a medical center, the patient faced not only the physical discomfort but also psychological distress regarding to the progress of disease and feeling of powerlessness. We used observation and interviews to collect information according to Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns to assess the patient's nursing problems, from 16, November to 4, December, 2013. The patient presented with hyperthermia, activity intolerance, powerlessness, disturbed sleep pattern and deficient knowledge. We administrated medicine to diminish the physical discomfort and established good communication by encourage the patient to talk about his feelings, to accompany with and to listen to and support the patient. To prepare for discharge, we provided care guidelines of hepatitis B to enhance the patient's ability to deal with the disease. It is suggested that the systematic healthcare standards for hepatitis B should be established and health education brochure should be circulated to the patients and their families. Hope the caring experience can provide references to the health providers who care for the patients with the same or similar health problems.


hepatitis B liver failure power-lessness


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