  • 期刊


Increasing the Ratio of Participation in N3 Nursing Clinical Ladder Program for Nurses in Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)




Professional nursing clinical ladder program and related training courses are beneficial to inspire nursing professionals' thinking ability and creativity, and enhance the quality of medical care. The percentage of nurses of SICU participating in N3 nursing clinical ladder program was 5.3% in this study, yet there were 47.4% of SICU nurses certified in N2 clinical ladder program. This study aims to explore the factors influencing the willingness to participate in the N3 nursing clinical ladder program, and to increase the N3 ratio to 7.9%. Based on situation analysis, the findings include: insufficient case report writing skills due to the lack of personal guidance, shortage of nursing clinical teachers with qualified certificates, lack of reminder/ alarm in clinical ladder system, and inadequate information and references to advance to N3. The improvement measures include: holding case report writing workshops, conducting teacher training camps and transdisciplinary team practice, and adding a reminder/alarm system and N3 teaching platform. After implementation, the ratio of the SICU nurses certified with N3 in clinical ladder program increased from 5.3% to 29%, indicating this project is beneficial in enhancing the professional ability of nursing staff.


利怡慧、林伶黛、蔡菁菁、周嫚君、林梅香(2012)‧N3 護理人員參加臨床能力進階制度意願之相關影響因素‧護理雜誌,59 (1),41-50。
楊惠芳、 鍾欣怡、高東煒、林永崇、陳金順、查岱龍、劉峰誠 (2017)‧運用 KAS 思考模版導入醫院跨領域團隊合作照護與教育‧台灣家庭醫學雜誌,27(4),191-200。
