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Demystifying the Local?: Cosmopolitan Justice and the Reconstruction of the Other in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost



By dealing with violations of human rights in Sri Lanka during its civil wars, Ondaatje's 2000 novel shows hesitation to accept the humanitarian intervention authorized by the UN Security Council to overrule state sovereignty. The novel recounts the homeward journey of a diaspora, Anil, who is a member of human rights organizations and anthropologist coming back to investigate mass political murders. Nevertheless, the author plays with the novel's title by using the possessive adjective "Anil's" to propose an ethical relationship of belonging between the cosmopolitan and the local, but not that of possession or control. It means that Ondaatje's novel does not so much deal with individuality as with collective and culturally-affirming community. This paper argues that Anil's Ghost moves away from the normative and political accounts of cosmopolitanism into the domain of a transnational cosmopolitan community. Through the process of reconstructing the war victim's identity, Anil participates in and witnesses how local communities in different ways "read" the information of the skeleton-and comes to identify with her native land. In the first half, this paper will begin by reviewing how the novel thematizes the concern with massive violations of human rights and outside intervention justified on humanitarian grounds. By assigning the heroine the role of both the UN representative and the cosmopolitan outsider, Ondaatje's novel not only questions the international authority as an external intervener but reveals its limitations when it comes to state sovereignty. By undoing the coupling between the UN and professional groups, the novel, as the paper's second half shows, allows the cosmopolitan elitist Anil to join and embrace local cultures and communities. Through the process of reconstructing Sailor's identity, Anil cannot but ask help from local experts and forge a community based on a shared ethics of professional obligation-which is both transnational and culturally specific.


國際組織以調查人權侵害為名,介入一國內政,或許是當代社會習以為之正義,卻是翁達傑(Michael Ondaatje)《安霓尤的鬼魅》(Anil's Ghost)質疑的對象。小說以斯里蘭卡80年代爆發的內戰為背景,女主角是聯合國人權組織的法醫,去國多年,為調查政治犯罪回到母國。她在考古保護區挖到新骨骸,要還原骨骸的身分去揭露政府殺人的秘密,相信「有了真相才能得到真正的自由」(102)。以憂懼恐怖的內戰歷史為背景,小說以安霓尤對骨骸的調查開始,透過科學專業還原所謂真相,忽略當地歷史學家忠告「在這個世界上,大部分時候,真相有時候只是片面之詞」(102)。對所謂真相的不同定義,實則暴露了國際組織宣稱世界主義的正義原則下,忽略在地歷史政治背景的差異。本論文探討作者翁達傑小說質疑國際公權力介入的正當性、更重新思考:透過女主角這歸國法醫由國際組織轉向在地的認同,「揭密」成為超越國界的在地想像。為還原骨骸身分,安霓尤以科學方式閱讀骨骸,知其不足,尋求當地考古學家和醫生的協助。那麼骨骸是讓安霓尤從西方科學轉向,接觸考古、歷史、甚至於藝術宗教的在地專業人士,重建她與這片土地與在地群體的聯繫。一旦她明瞭骨骸不只是政治犯罪的證據,而是屬於斯里蘭卡「我們」的一份子,便啟動了由普世政治轉向在地倫理的可能,開展出跨國群體以專業倫理相繫的認同。


寰宇主義 專業主義 人權 見證


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