  • 期刊


Application of Tissue Culture Technology for Controlling Fusarium Wilt of Banana



香蕉黃葉病(病原菌Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, race 4)為台灣香蕉生產之瓶頸,因無有效防治方法,本病曾於中南美洲摧毀數個國家的香蕉產業。近年來,台灣香蕉生產不但仍可供應國內市場需要,還有相當數量持續不斷外銷到日本市場,實與有效應用組培技術有密切關係。其應用在防治黃葉病有兩項重大成就,一為利用組培技術大量生產健康蕉苗,供應農民種植,有效抑制黃葉病菌經由種苗擴大蔓延。自民國七十二年迄今共計繁殖組培苗2,800多萬株,累計推廣種植面積達14,459公頃。二為利用組培變異(somaclonal variation)特性,從「北蕉」之組培植株中選育成功抗病品種。兩個抗病品種「台蕉一號」、「台蕉三號」已分別於民國八十一和九十年推廣。最新選育成功之「寶島蕉」則預定於九十一年推廣,「寶島蕉」具有抗病、豐產優點,種植「寶島蕉」取代傳統「北蕉」將可提高產量50%,對振興台蕉產業將有重大作用。


Fusarium wilt of Cavendish banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race 4 has been the major constraint for banana production in Taiwan. Previously, the disease had destroyed the banana industries of many countries in Central America despite many attempts to control the disease. Continued banana production in Taiwan in recent years to supply both local and the Japanese market was attributed to the successful development of tissue culture technology for controlling Fusarium wilt. There have been two major achievements based on tissue culture technology leading to the success of controlling Fusarium wilt. Firstly, the technology was employed for mass propagation of disease-free plantlets for commercial planting. During 1983-2001, the tissue culture program has produced a total of 28 million plantlets for planting over 14,459 ha, very useful to check the spread of wilt pathogen via infected suckers traditionally used by farmers. Secondly, because propagation of banana by tissue culture has shown the potential of producing substantial genetic variability, a mass screening program using tissue culture plants to detect Fusarium wilt resistance was taken. Two resistant varieties, Tai-Chiao No.1 and Tai-Chiao No.3, developed by this breeding program were released for controlling Fusarium wilt in 1992 and 2001, respectively. Another new, higher yielding, resistant variety Formosana selected most recently is scheduled for release in 2002. It is estimated that planting Formosana to replace Giant Cavendish would have the potental to increase yield by over 50%, thus boosting banana production considerably.


邱輝龍(2004)。台灣芭蕉[Musa formosana (Warb.) Hayata]種原之蒐集、評估與遺傳歧異度分析〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2004.01987


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