  • 期刊


Identification of Physiological Races of Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. niveum and Breeding for Fusarium Wilt-resistant Watermelon Line



利用Black Diamond、Charleston Gray、Calhoun Gray及PI 296341四個西瓜品種(系)作為指示植物,判別西瓜蔓割病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. niveum) 之生理小種,結果證明FNC-0801,FNT-0202及FNH-0103等三菌株均歸屬於Race 0。由感病的Sugar Baby品種之族群中,選獲抗西瓜蔓割病的自然突變單株,經過6個世代的自交純化,所得的品系暫命名為JSB。它具有極強的抗病性,且與原親本Sugar Baby具有相同的園藝性狀及品質。利用JSB當作抗病親本與不具抗病性之栽培品種雜交時,其F1世代皆呈現抗病等級,顯示JSB之抗病性,可經由遺傳方式導入西瓜優良栽培品種中。


西瓜 蔓割病 生理小種 鑑定 抗病品種


Four watermelon cultivars, Black Diamond, Charleston Gray, Calhoun Gray and PI 296341 were used as indicator plants for differentiating the physiological races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum. The results indicated that three isolates FNC-0801, FNT-0202 and FNH-01O3 collected from central Taiwan belonged to race 0. An individual mutant plant resistant to watermelon Fusarium wilt was derived from the susceptible Sugar Baby population. After six generations of single plant selection and selfing, the line was temporarily named as JSB. The horticultural characteristics and fruit quality of JSB were observed to be similar to Sugar Baby population. However, JSB showed high disease resistance to Fusarium wilt. All FI progenies from the crosses between JSB and six susceptible inbred lines were resistant to Fusarium wilt. The results suggest that the disease resistant ability of JSB may inherit to the other superior inbred lines of watermelon and it can be selected as the parents for breeding the new disease-resistant watermelon varieties.
