  • 期刊

台灣地區草莓和茶園根腐線蟲Pratylenchus penetrans和P. loosi (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae)之鑑定

Identification of root-lesion Nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and P. loosi (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) from Strawberry and Tea Plantations in Taiwan


自2007年10月起,以改良式柏門氏漏斗分離法,從台灣的草莓和茶園主要產區中,總計採集到9群根腐線蟲(Pratylenchus spp.),其中也草莓上所分離的5個種群皆鑑定爲P. penetrans (Cobb, 1917)Chitwood & Oteifa,1952,其餘來自茶樹的4個種群皆鑑定爲P. loosi Loof,1960。每一根腐線蟲種群之主鑑定依據爲光學顯微銳和SEM的形態特微觀察,以及形態測量值(morphometrics)的統計分析,立輔以包含完整5.8S基因和內轉錄區間ITS-1和ITS-2,以及部分18S和28S基因序列的核糖體DNA(ribosomal DNA, rDNA)片段序列的相似度比對分析。本研究已將P. penetrans和P. loosi的rDNA片段代表性序列錄於GenBank資料庫中,其序列大小分爲916bp和1238bp,而二者的序列相同度爲80.9%。


Nine populations of Pratylenchus spp. have isolated by modified Baermann funnel method from the major production area of strawberry and tea crops in Taiwan since October, 2008. Comparisons of the morphology, morphometrics and ribosomal DNA fragment sequences, including full 5.8S gene, ITS-1, ITS-2 and partial l8S and 28S gene. 5 populations of nematode from strawberry were identified as P. penetrans (Cobb, 1917) Chitwood & Oteifa, 1952, the other 4 populations from tea were as P. loosi Loof, 1960. The lengths of representative sequences of rDNA fragment from P. penetrans and P. loosi was 916bp and 1238bp, respectively, with 80.9% similarity to each other, and have been submitted to GenBank.
