

The design target of this investigation is to develop the control method that can eliminate the sideslip force between robot hand and grasped object with an arbitrary-shaped object by simulating measurement messages of tactile sensors. Based on this reason, a feedback linearization control method for dual-fingered robots to improve the gasping performance as precisely eliminating the sideslip force is developed to be applied to an arbitrary-shaped object. During the dual-fingered robot grasping a certain object, either one of the contact points of object can measure a higher value that is more likely to slip. For treating this problem, the proposed control method improves the grasping performance by eliminating the sideslip force until it vanished. Furthermore, the proposed controller can offer precisely command to cancel this term with systematic design. Since the proposed control method is based on the measured contact sideslip condition between the fingertips and objects are assumed that are surrounded with smooth curvatures in the vicinity of contact points. In order to verify the sideslip force elimination ability of the proposed control method, numerical simulation results are given to prove its control performance.


Finger Robot Grasp Control Simulation


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