  • 期刊


Affiliate Marketing Strategy with Profit Sharing-Microprogram's Life+ Service Platform



微程式在經濟部商業司的經費支持下,建構了「Life+雲端生活家平台」(簡稱Life+平台),將小額消費概念帶入中小型商家或微型商家的經營模式中。雖然是個立意良好的創新營運模式,但最大的問題在於到底要先吸引消費者加入?還是先吸引商家?然而前者沒有後者加入的前提下,根本沒有使用Life+平台的動機,而後者若沒有龐大數量的前者,Life+平台也只是個沒有太大吸引力的資訊系統而已。對微程式而言,如何有效地吸引商家和消費者的加入、Life+平台如何為商家帶來業績的提升、行動科技所扮演的角色、與其他小額消費或紅利卡平台的合作與競爭等議題,乃是本個案希望探討的重點,並希望藉此帶出聯合行銷、網路外部性、分潤機制、適地性服務、QR Code等理論基礎與概念。


Under the support of the department of commerce, MOEA, Taiwan, ”Micrprogram” constructed an online platform which was named as Life+ so that small-and-medium-sized and micro businesses can implement the service of micro payment through adopting Life+ platform. Although this is a brand-new and innovative business model, ”Microprogram” encountered a problem in deciding to attract customers or businesses first. Customers have no motivation to use Life+ platform with a small number of businesses and Life+ platform is a less attractive information system to business without a large number of customers. The purpose of this case study is to discuss several issues of how ”Microprogram” can attract customers and businesses to Life+ platform, how businesses can increase their profit through participating Life+ platform, the role of mobile technology, and how ”Microprogram” can cooperate and compete with other micro payment or loyalty program platforms. This case study also intends to introduce the concept of affiliate marketing, network externality, profit sharing, location-based service, QR code.


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