  • 會議論文


Creative Strategies and Practices for Ecological Environment - Lighting Device from Recycled Content


由於生產技術大幅改進及生產效率的提升,消費性產品快速及大量的生產,導致資源的過度開發使用,如無法透過有效的回收策略,將物品加以修復或再用,勢必造成大量廢棄物的產生,導致生態破壞及面臨資源用盡的窘境。因此,在產品設計初期,即應建立回收再利用的觀念,掌握3R 的觀念以提高零件周轉率,進而延長產品的使用壽命。本研究旨在藉由探討友善環境的3R (Reduce / Ruse / Recycle)觀念,提出環保創作的創意策略,思考如何利用室內裝修工地所餘的廢餘材料,以及生活中常見的損壞或汰舊物件,在兼顧實用性及藝術性的考量下,創作出具有環保概念的系列造型燈具,藉由各種創意構思及組合方法,添加適當必要部件完成創意作品,以具像、生活化的方式呈現,藉以實踐並驗證「從搖籃到搖籃」(from cradle to cradle) 的永續循環環保理念在生活實踐的可能性。


友善環境 創意策略 永續 環保


Due to the fact that new methods of production have sharply improved efficiency in factories, mass consumption of consumer products in modern society has led to over-exploitation. If the recycling strategy is not implemented effectively for us to reuse the old goods, there would be massive waste and causes huge damage to the ecology. Therefore, it is important to hold the recycling concept at the initial design stage and utilize the 3R's concept to increase the turnover rate on parts and extend the lifetime of products. With 3R's ecological environment concept, this research focuses on the creative strategies on eco-friendly artworks. By making use of the waste materials from construction sites and disposed goods in our daily life, we create a collection of eco-friendly lamps in consideration of both practicability and artistic quality. And through combining various creative thinking methods and adding necessary parts to finish all the creative artworks, we not only concretize but put them into reality to present the fact that from cradle to cradle, sustainable development can be achieved fully and endlessly.
