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Qualitative Analysis of the Quality of Popular Science Television Programs: An Audience Perspective


科學對於民眾日常生活日益重要,而欲普及國民之科學素養,除透過教育,更須仰賴大眾傳媒提供科學訊息。我國由於體認到科學普及的必要性,民國95 年起開始推動為期4 年的臺灣科普傳播事業催生計畫,及目前的發展計畫,其中計畫主軸一的「補助內容產製刊播」,目的便在透過媒體,提昇科普影視內容的質與量,並普及大眾的科學知識。惟科學傳播並非僅閱聽眾單向接收,而屬雙向影響,故瞭解社會迴響與民眾的需求,實屬必要。本研究以「臺灣科普傳播事業催生計畫」(關尚仁等,2006)於95 至98 年度補助生產,並在有線、無線或數位電視頻道播出完畢之科普影視節目為對象,藉由焦點團體座談,透析收視者對科普影視內容之評價,並希冀藉此作為未來在科普節目製播時,提昇其收視品質之建議。研究結果發現,於「節目主題與內容」面向,一般民眾重在內容能否引發興趣,及其對個人之重要性等;其次,「節目表現形式」則是多數受訪者較在意的面向,舉凡結構與流程安排、敘事手法、旁白等共9 項指標,皆屬其評量節目品質優劣之重點;「製作技術」的部分,無論青少年或成年人,皆認為拍攝技術、字幕及視覺品質十分重要;最後「整體評量」的部分,科普影視節目的真實性、適當的娛樂程度,及能否在觀看後學習到有用的知識,對一般民眾而言非常重要。此外,本研究發現年齡層差異,亦會影響閱聽眾評量節目收視品質的角度,如青少年較成年人更在意節目的製作技術等,故建議未來在科普影視節目製播上,目標觀眾設定應更明確,根據目標族群的不同,節目設計應著重之面向、指標元素,也應有所不同,方能吸引收視,以期達到科學推廣、普及之目的。


Messages transmitted through mass media impact audiences, especially those transmitted through television programs. Domestic and foreign research has demonstrated that people draw on scientific knowledge through mass media. In recent years, the Taiwan government has recognized the importance of disseminating science-related knowledge and has promoted the Development of Taiwan Science Communication Industry Project-Media Pilot Project. One of the purposes is to upgrade the quality and the quantity of science programs to better disseminate science-related knowledge to the public. Through the broadcasting of cable, wireless and digital television programs, it is expected that the public's science-related knowledge and literacy will be elevated. To understand if these objectives are being achieved, it is important to conduct a survey of audiences to understand their feedback. This is the aim of this study. Four evaluation categories were developed from a review of the literature. Two focus groups made up of those who watched these programs were conducted. The results demonstrated that there are several indicators that affect audience evaluation of science programs, including program theme and content, format, structure, flow, narration, voiceovers, subtitles, cinematography, visual quality, authenticity, appropriate entertainment level and attainment of knowledge. In addition, this study found variations among age groups in terms of their evaluation of program quality. For example, younger audiences place more importance on production techniques. Thus, it is suggested that production companies producing popular science programs pay attention to the demographics of their target audiences when creating new programs.


