  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Solving Puzzles in Museums: A Study on Museum Reality Games




Recently, museums have gradually introduced reality games as a new medium for exhibition and education. How do museums adopt reality games? What are the educational and interactive advantages of such games? How do such games create bonds between museums and their exhibitions? To answer these questions, reality games of the National Human Rights Museum, Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology, and National Taiwan Museum were investigated. This multiple-case study was conducted based on participant observation and game data collection, with cross referencing of relevant theoretical and practical viewpoints. The results revealed that interactivity of museum reality games increases when multiple media are involved including mobile phones, physical props, and museum exhibits/objects. When the storyline is based on issues of concern to the museum and puzzles require exhibition details to solve, games can promote specific learning related to museum and exhibition content. Moreover, unintuitive puzzles not only benefit learning, but also prompt cooperation among players. However, when connections between puzzles and exhibits are too obvious or too intuitive, this tends to make puzzles less challenging and limit the opportunities for players to interact. Based on these results, it is suggested that museums take advantage of existing exhibition spaces in the creation of reality games and that storylines and unintuitive puzzles integrate museum and exhibition content. Meanwhile, games should provide clues for solving puzzles and have a suitable media usage model for multiple player participation. By providing practical suggestions for museums, it is hoped that more museums will develop reality games of high educational and interactive value.


