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A Discussion on the Development of Museum Collection Websites that Meet the Needs of Users




With advances in science and technology, the Internet has become an integral part of people's lives. Museums around the world have been keeping up with this trend in recent years, developing websites to provide educational programs and access to collections, exhibitions, and other services. However, among museums in Taiwan, collection websites are generally not designed with the needs of users in mind, resulting in their low frequency of use. The aim of this study is to discuss and analyze the development of museum online collection databases in Taiwan and abroad. Based on the results, there are four suggestions for museums to develop online collection sites that meet the needs of users: 1. Optimize information architecture and links. 2. Apply intuitive experience. 3. Develop a classification system based on user groups. 4. Provide multiple interpretative methods to connect users with collections. If these four suggestions are implemented, it is expected that collection websites will satisfy users in terms of flow and overall browsing experience. These suggestions can serve as a reference for museums when creating, revamping, or modifying their collection websites to better meet the needs of users conducting searches or browsing, as well as to stimulate relevant discussion.


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