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Nutritional Status in the Taiwan Area, ROC and Japan


台灣地區近三十年來,經濟快速成長,國民所得大幅度提高,以致國民生活水準有顯著改善。由於農業之改良增產,食物種類及產量均大為增加。雖然人口增加逾一倍,但營養狀態除少數偏遠地區較差外,均可達到國人每人每日所需之建議量。 惟都市反有飲食過度之情況,導致營養失調,引起慢性病,例如腦血管疾病(自民國五十年代即高居十大死亡原因之首位),糖尿病、癌症等。雖然此類慢性病之原因複雜,但與膳食營養之攝取不當頗有關係。 鄰邦日本之膳食習慣,農產品之種類及國民體位,均與我國近似,而平均壽命於民國六十九年時已,高達男性七十三歲,女性七十九歲。茲將兩地最近辦理之全國性膳食營養調查資料,作一比較,簡述如下: (一)若以食物的實際攝取量來作比較,台灣地區之米、蔬菜、水果等比日本稍高,肉類多40.5g, 油脂類多出10.4g。但日本之麵粉、甘藷、黃豆、蛋類、魚貝類及乳類均比台灣地區多。 (二)若由營養素之觀點來比較,無論在建議量或實際攝取量,台灣地區的總熱量、油脂及醣類均高於日本,但日本之蛋白質則高於台灣地區。 (三)若再由營養素中之蛋白質與油脂二項來比較,台灣地區蛋白質之總攝取量為67.4g,其中動物性蛋白質為 30.3g,佔總量之45%。日本之總攝取量則為77.9g ,其中動物性蛋白質為39.2g,佔總量之50%。台灣地區之油脂總攝取量為74.3g ,其中動物性脂肪為44.1g,佔總量之59%。日本之總攝取量則為52.4g,其中動物性脂肪為27.2g,佔總量之54%。 (四)若再以營養素中之動物性蛋白質及油脂二項之來源來比較;台灣地區主要動物性蛋白質之來源為肉類(15.2g)而日本則為魚貝類(19.0g),其中由豬肉而來的分別估計為11.2g及4.9g。又動物性油脂方面之主要來源均為肉類,分別為28.4g及14.4g,其中由豬肉而來的分別估計為26.9g及10.8g。 (五)若以飲食中三大營養素之熱量比例來比較,台灣地區與日本之建議比例大致相同,惟以食物之實際攝取量作比較時,台灣地區之總熱量及油脂攝取量高於日本,日本之蛋白質攝取量則高於台灣地區。 (六)若再以動物性食物中之魚貝類、肉類、蛋類及乳類來作比較;台灣地區除肉類之攝取多於日本外,其餘均少於日本。再以肉類中之豬肉來比較,台灣地區則多出35g,約日本之二倍。日本的魚貝類攝取量則比台灣地區多出22g。




In the past 30 years, the living standard of the Taiwan area has risen remarkably because of rapid economic development and per capita income increases. In addition, the qualitative and quantitative improvement of agricultural products has increased food availabilities even though the population has grown 1.5 times in this period. Therefore, generally speaking, the nutritional level meets the recommended daily nutrient allowance (RDNA) standard, except in some backward areas where the nutrient intake remains inadequate. Japan is a country whose living standard, agricultural pattern and eating habits are quite similar to those in the Taiwan area. Life expectancy of Japanese reached 73 years for males and 79 years for females in 1980. Therefore, a comparison of the recent dietary surveys in both countries might yield findings of interest to policy makers in both the health and agricultural sectors. The major findings are as follows: 1.On an average daily per capita basis, the Taiwan area consumes more rice, vegetables, fruits, meat (40.5g) more) and fat (10.4g more), but less wheat flour, potatoes, soybeans, eggs, fish and milk than Japan. 2.As for the average daily intake of nutrients per capita, the fat intake is higher in the Taiwan area than in Japan, but the protein intake in Japan is higher than that in the Taiwan area by both RDNA standard and actual intake. 3.In the Taiwan area the average daily protein intake per capita is 67.4g, of which 30.3g or 45% is of animal origin, compared with Japan’s 77.9g, of which 39.2g or 50% comes from animal products. The fat intake in the Taiwan area is 74.3g, of which 44.1g or 59% emanates from animal products, but in Japan it is 52.4g of which 27.2g or 54% is of animal origin. 4.In the Taiwan area animal protein mainly comes from meat (15.2 g), but fish (19.0 g) is the chief source in Japan. Pork accounts for about 11.2 g in the Taiwan area and 4.9 g in Japan. The main source of animal fats is meat in both areas -28.4g in the Taiwan area and 14.4g in Japan, of which 26.9 g and 10.8 g, respectively, come from pork. 5.In regard to the percentages of protein, fat and carbohydrate in the average daily energy consumption per capita, the recommended proportions are almost the same in both countries, but in actual intake, the percentage of fat in the Taiwan area is 8.6% more than in Japan, and the 1.tcentage of protein in Japan is higher than in the Taiwan area. 6. As for the four foods of animal origin-fish, meat, eggs and milk; the Taiwan area consumes more meat but less fish, eggs, and milk than Japan on an average daily per capita basis. The people in the Taiwan area take 35 g more pork and 22 g less fish than Japan.




