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A Process Document for the Seventh Revision of Taiwan Dietary Reference Intakes


「國人膳食營養素參考攝取量」(Dietary Reference Intakes: DRIs)為制定我國食品營養衛生政策與指引的重要參考基礎。國內外的健康衛生機構單位以此「營養素參考攝取量」應用於健康個人與族群的營養膳食設計(Dietary planning)與營養狀況評估(Nutrition assessment),是建構『每日飲食指南』與『國人飲食指標』的根據,並用以支持『飲食綱領』之制定。我國自2003年公布第六版之「國人膳食營養素參考攝取量」以來,國人飲食、營養、健康狀況與疾病風險,皆有相當之變遷,且必需營養素與降低慢性疾病風險的當代實證營養科學相關證據日新月益,因此重新修訂舊版DRIs,訂定第七版「國人膳食營養素參考攝取量」,以符合國人當代或未來數年的營養保健之需求,並作為制定我國食品營養衛生政策之基礎。自98年度開始,衛生署委託計劃案中組成各必需營養素專家委員研議小組,進行修訂第六版「國人膳食營養素參考攝取量」前置研究(pilot study),99年度完成研擬我國第七版DRIs修訂草案。第七版DRIs修訂草案經過官方審議及召開公聽會正式公告發佈,並進行北、中、南、東四場「國人膳食營養素參考攝取量」應用宣導活動。另外並建構相關專業資訊(中、英文版)以供國內與國外相關專業人士參考應用。依循「第七版國人膳食營養素參考攝取量」草案內容,撰擬參考手冊,於101年5月出版。此參考手冊提供如何應用國人膳食營養素參考攝取量之相關資訊,以作為衛生與教育人員、營養師及營養專業人員進行營養教育、營養評估與團體膳食設計之參考。


The concept of dietary reference intakes (DRIs) was first introduced in the 6th edition of the Taiwan DRI book in 2003. The Department of Health (DOH), Taiwan designated nutritionists and scientists to compile scientific evidence to generate a comprehensive set of reference values of nutrient intake for the health of Taiwanese citizens. Reference nutrient intake values are defined as the estimated average requirements (EAR), recommended dietary allowance (RDA), adequate intake (AI), and tolerable upper intake levels (UL) expressing 16 life-stage groups. It has been 10 years since the last revision. In addition, updated data released from the Nutrition and Health Surveys in Taiwan (NAHSIT) indicated that Taiwanese dietary intake and health parameters had markedly changed. Meanwhile, much more evidence-based research has demonstrated relationships of adequate essential nutrients and decreased risks of chronic diseases. Therefore, revision of the DRIs was necessary to meet contemporary needs of nutritional health promotion for Taiwanese. Disparities in Taiwanese dietary intakes and health expectations during the past decade were recognized by the DOH, and thus a 2-year project for the 7th revision of DRIs was contracted to promote the better health of the people of Taiwan. Scientists specializing in nutritional studies were invited to form multiple expert panel committees. Each panel of the DRIs nutrient subcommittee worked on data collection and analysis to prioritize issues for revision. By a systemic review, data analysis, and consensus processes, the committees completed the revision with updated evidence-based data. A draft version of the DRIs was further reviewed by a standing committee of the DOH, and the official publication was released to the public afterwards. Propagation of DRIs application is needed to facilitate the proper use of DRIs. Therefore, the following events sponsored by DOH by the end of 2010 had taken place: (1) a final review of the 7th DRI content by a standing committee of the DOH, (2) publication of the 7th DRIs, (3) creating a DRIs website, and (4) four workshops held to propagate application of the 7th Taiwan DRIs. The 7th Taiwan DRIs can serve as a foundation to provide reference values for nutritional assessments and dietary planning, contribute to a broader spectrum of food and nutrition policies, and serve as the basis for revising the Nutrition Labeling and Dietary Food Guidelines.


