  • 期刊


An Teenager's Initial Emergency Nursing Experience of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax




This article describes the emergency nursing experience of a 19-year-old teenager's first time suffering from primary spontaneous pneumothorax. The nursing period was from 2017/12/21 22 : 22 to 2017/12/22 14:40. We used the Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns to collect data via physical examination, observation, history taking, and primary care. We found the patient had health problems such as "pain, related to pig-tail insertion", "low function respiratory pattern, related to right lung compression", and "health seeking behavior, related to quitting smoking". We used the visual analog scale for pain, and provided the male patient with methods of self pain-control. We taught him the skill of fixing the tube while moving his body, and the comfortable positions to relieve pain. We monitored breathing sounds and the pig-tail drainage to evaluate lung expansion, while teaching him how to use Triflow-II and provided information about the disease, then further enhanced the will for quitting smoking with 5D strategy. We hope this case report can raise our colleagues' alertness to primary pneumothorax and the evaluation of disease recurrence factors such as smoking, by active intervention to encourage quitting smoking, and providing patient guidance for the symptoms of pneumothorax and the importance of seeking medical advice.


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