  • 期刊


Nursing experience of applying Roy's adaptation model for A Patient Returning to Hemodialysis due to Renal Failure after Kidney Transplantation




This article discusses a successful kidney transplantation after 18 years of long-term hemodialysis. However, two years later, due to kidney failure after transplantation, the female patient had to face hemodialysis treatment again, which resulted in her suffering a major physical and psychological impact thereby requiring this nursing intervention. The nursing period took place from April 27, 2020 to May 22, 2020, where through physical assessment, observation, interviews and Roy's adaptation model, the author verified that the patient had the problems of (1) excess fluid volume and (2) powerlessness. Strategies to reduce the failure rate of vascular access puncture were used to resolve the pain caused; additionally, individual water control plans were provided to reduce the health hazards. Through the holistic care of the medical team and the accompanying of family members, a positive coping and positive attitude was enhanced, enabling the patient to re-adapt to the life of patient dialysis.


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