  • 期刊


Using "The World Caf'e" Process Make Group Decision among Nursing Association Members


在忙碌、緊湊的現代生活中,護理人員與病人及家屬的接觸很多,但是與同事、工作團隊、朋友甚或家人的「真正」接觸是非常不足的。因此,人與人之間的關係是疏離的!三年前在師資培育的課程中接觸到「世界咖啡館」這本書,及幾次以咖啡館的方式舉辦的小組討論活動,讓我發覺它是一個可以不論輩分,在輕鬆的氣氛之中談論嚴肅問題的好方法。本文僅簡介Juanita Brown and David Isaacs 在2005的著作The World Caf'e,以及分享本公會在2009年底應用「世界咖啡館」的方式舉辦護理主管共識營的成果。


In this busy, compact modern life, nurses had much contact with patients and their families. However, nurses were contact inadequately with colleagues, team, friends or even family members. Therefore, many people are disconnected from one another. Three years ago I touched ”The World Café” in a Teacher Education Program. After then I also participated the World Café conversation for a few times. I found that it is a world we were not of seniority, where we can talk freely about things that matter most to us. In this paper, I would like to introduce Juanita Brown and David Isaacs' ”The World Caf'e” (2005) to all members in Kaohsiung Nursing Association, and report the results from a group of nursing administrators using the World Caf'e process in November 2009.


