  • 期刊


An Experience of Caring for a Dying Patient with Lung Cancer and Gastric Metastasis




This article aims to share the experience of a newly diagnosed case with metastatic lung cancer in a patient with metastatic lung cancer. As a result of the physical discomfort of the disease, the rapid deterioration of the disease, the hopeless feeling of life control, and in the face of the physician's declaration of limited life, both patient and family worried about death, and anxious reactions ensured with them being more afraid of dying too quickly. During the period of May 8 to June 1, 2016, the authors collected information on the basis of Gordon's 11 assessment methods, such as observation, companionship, talks and physical assessment, to establish "undernourishment" and "comfort change "," hopelessness "and" death anxiety "and other health problems, with medical treatment to provide individual care measures: (A) calculate the required heat input for patient comfort, add high-calorie infusion; (B) provide abdominal massage, improve abdominal distension to reduce nausea and vomiting symptoms, promote physical comfort; (C) actively cooperate with a peaceful resolution of any division, listen to the feelings of the patient, (D) assist the family in the face of this rapid turn toward the brink of death, and fully support the situation of the family members, by allowing the patient to express personal feelings, say goodbye, complete all good wishes, and in the final analysis, allow the patient's physical and mental abilities to be comfortable. We hope that by sharing this experience, we can provide nurses with a guide to care for patients in the late end of their life.


