  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Family-centered Care for a Child with Cerebral Palsy




This study discussed a case in which a child with cerebral palsy developed respiratory tract infection and malnutrition. The parents exhibited insufficient capacity in providing physical care for the child and low willingness to discharge the child from the hospital to care for him/her themselves, hindering the child from hospital discharge. This study collected data by observing, communicating with, and conducting physical assessment about the child in a period between January 3 and February 1, 2018. The integrated assessment confirmed that the child had developed ineffective airway clearance, imbalanced nutrition, malnutrition, and other health problems including impaired parenting and disabled family coping. This study provided individual training on care skills to the parents. The parents were included in the care team and participated in actual care. One-on-one coaching was provided to the parents, who were then asked to repeat the demonstrations. This training was aimed at enabling the parents to perform nasogastric tube feeding and chest care before the child was discharged from the hospital. The family-centered care model was implemented to boost the attachment relationship between the child and parents, enhance the parents' willingness to care for the child, and improve family coping. This study solved the problems the child and their family faced by integrating medical, family and government resources, thereby achieving holistic and continuing care.


張綠怡、郭淑芬(2014).家庭護理模式簡介.領導護理,15(1),2-8。https://doi.org/10.29494/LN.201403 _15(1).0001
King, G., & Chiarello, L. (2014). Family-centered care for children with cerebral palsy: Conceptual and practical considerations to advance care and practice. Journal of Child Neurology, 29(8), 1046-1054. https://doi.org/10.1177/0883073814533009
