  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of Behaviors and Motivations for Online Sport Consumption


由於網際網路普及化,使得台灣使用網路購物的人數日益增加,而隨著國民健康意識逐漸養成,對運動消費增加,再加上近年來,國內外的運動好手優異表現深入人心,促進國人對運動體育的重視,也間接促進運動用品的消費成長。業者如何透過網路平台來接觸消費者,增加消費者使用網路來購買運動商品與服務,是未來有心經營運動電子商務者所必須關心的。因此本研究主要目的是要利用Herzberg(1968)所提出的雙因子理論(hygiene-motivator theory),來檢視消費者若使用網際網路來從事實體運動商品或虛擬服務的動機因素,採用問卷調查法,探討消費者網路消費購買運動商品與服務的行為與動機。研究結果發現消費者最常利用網路購買的運動商品主要為運動服飾與配件、運動鞋、以及運動健身器材,而單次消費金額接受度以3,000元以內最適當。另外本研究發現激勵因子,包括便利動機、經濟動機、產品多元性動機社會動機皆會顯著影響消費者使用網路消費運動商品與服務的意願。至於保健因子包括產品品質以及顧客服務因素,則會影響消費者的再購意願。


This research purpose was to utilize Herzberg (1968) hygiene-motivator theory to check consumers online sport consumption's motivations and concerns. The investigation method was research-designed questionnaire to collect the materials. The result of this study found the most frequently sport goods using internet to buy are sport dress and fittings, sports shoes, and body-building apparatus. And it would be better if once single consumption is lower than 3000 NT dollars. And according to the research, motivation factors, including convenience factors, economic factors, diversity factors and social influence factors will influence consumers online consumption will, and hygiene factors, including the quality of the products and customer service will influence re-purchasing will.
