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Exploring a Teacher's Beliefs in an EAP Course: A Qualitative Perspective


This study sets out to explore a teacher's beliefs in a tertiary-level course of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). In an attempt to capture a holistic understanding of the teacher's beliefs and the pedagogical underpinnings in this EAP setting, the researchers investigated a Senior Thesis Writing course offered in a general university in central Taiwan, employing qualitative ethnographic techniques. Through purposeful sampling, one teacher participant and seven student participants were selected to participate in the study. After an in-depth look at the collected data derived from classroom observations and document archives, the researchers conducted ethnographic interviews, and concluded with a framework for EAP teaching practice, whose embedded conceptualizations accounted for the dynamics of the teacher's beliefs reflected in the EAP course. In addition, the researchers constructed a circular model addressing significant phases and elements which evolved as a result of the teacher's beliefs. The findings of this study indicate that dynamic classroom interactions among learners beneficially facilitate knowledge construction, ranging from critical awareness to underlying literacy, and more substantially correspond to Hyland's (2004) contention that success and professionalism in academic writing entails more than the academic texts. The implications of this study are believed to be an optimal reference for EAP instructors and practitioners to help EAP learners to fine-tune their academic literacy.


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