  • 期刊

第2 型糖尿病人膳食補充品使用狀態與血糖控制的關係

Status of Dietary Supplements Use and Glycemic Control Parameters in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes


本研究的目的為探討門診第2型糖尿病人,食用膳食補充品與臨床指標的關係,並探究食用狀況。經由隨機取樣方式選擇門診第2型糖尿病人,進行面對面的問卷訪談,共收達435份有效問卷,詢問過去一年是否使用膳食補充品、食用之頻率與種類,比較飯前血糖、糖化血色素、總膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇、肌酸酐、尿蛋白與無食用者的差異。結果顯示有311人(71%)過去一年食用膳食補充品,無食用者124人(29%)。食用膳食補充品者女性較多(p < 0.001)、年紀較長(p = 0.02)及罹病≥ 10年(p = 0.033)與具糖尿病家族史(p = 0.012)比例較高。食用膳食補充品與未食用者之身體質量指數、腰圍、各前述血糖、血脂肪、腎功能等臨床指標均無顯著差異。食用頻率狀況,有104人(33%)會依建議規律食用,50人(16%)雖規律食用卻會自行調整次數或劑量,145人(47%)想到才吃,12人(4%)買了沒吃。選擇膳食補充品種類的前三名,為綜合維生素礦物質107人(34%),調節血糖相關產品94人(30%),保護關節產品85人(27%)。研究結果顯示高達71%的門診糖尿病人會食用膳食補充品,使用前三大項包含:綜合維生素礦物質、調節血糖與保護關節相關補充品,其中67%的病患未依產品建議規律食用。此外,第2型糖尿病人有無食用膳食補充品,其臨床血糖控制相關指標並無顯著不同。


The aim of this study was to examine the use of dietary supplements (DS) and its association to clinical parameters of patients with type 2 diabetes. Data were collected from randomly selected type 2 diabetes patients through a face-to-face interview using a questionnaire. A total of 435 outpatients were surveyed, responding to questions whether they used DS or not, how often and what kinds of DS over the past year. Their fasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, creatinine and proteinuria were compared with those patients who did not take any DS. This study revealed that three hundred and eleven (71%) patients took DS; one hundred and twenty four (29%) did not. The use of DS was more common in women (p < 0.001), older participants (p = 0.002), people who had diabetes for more than 10 years (p = 0.040) and a family history of diabetes (p = 0.011). There were no significant differences in glycemic control (fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c), lipid profile, renal function and anthropometric data between DS users and non-DS users. One hundred and four (33%) patients followed label directions, fifty (16%) patients took DS regularly but arbitrarily changed the intake time and dosing, one hundred and forty five (47%) took DS irregularly and twelve (4%) bought DS but did not take any. The most prevalent types of DS taken were multi vitamins and minerals (34%) followed by anti-diabetes supplements (30%) and joints protective supplements (27%). In conclusion, we demonstrated a high prevalence of dietary supplements users (71%) among type 2 diabetes patients. Two thirds (67%) of the users taking DS did not regularly as instructed on the product label. No differences in glycemic control parameters were found between users and non-users.
