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Cohesion and Coherence in the Sandwich Man


〈兒子的大玩偶〉是黃春明作品當中銜接手法相當特殊的一篇,本文以系統功能語言學(Systemic Functional Linguistics)的角度來分析其語篇上的銜接與連貫。本文首先介紹〈兒子的大玩偶〉在台灣文學史上的意義及其敘事結構;然後用Hallilday & Hasan(1976)的銜接架構來描述〈兒子的大玩偶〉在詞彙語法上的銜接,並指出其銜接理論未及「文化語境」的層次,而〈兒子的大玩偶〉語篇銜接的特殊之處是在文化語境的層次上;最後並說明〈兒子的大玩偶〉如何利用文化語境的銜接來產生連貫。通過本文對文化語境銜接與連貫的探討,可以把語言分析提升到語類層次。


This paper aims to analyze Taiwanese novelist Chun-ming Huang's the Sandwich Man from Systemic Functional Linguistics perspective. The work’s style exhibits a subtle cohesion not evident from a superficial reading. In this paper I first discuss the narrative structure, then its lexicogrammatical cohesion following Hallilday, M. A. K. & Ruqaiya Hasan's (1976)framework, and I explain that the cohesion found in the Sandwich Man is on the level of cultural context. Finally I show how the Sandwich Man uses cohesive types of cultural context to produce its coherence. The linguistic analysis used in this paper helps expand the scope of such studies to include J. R. Martin's genre level.


Halliday, M. A. K.(1978).Language as Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning.London:Edward Arnold.
Halliday, M. A. K.(1994).An Introduction to Functional Grammar.London:Edward Arnold.
Halliday, M. A. K.,Hasan, Ruqaiya(1976).Cohesion in English.London:Longman.
Halliday, M. A. K.,Hasan, Ruqaiya(1991).Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Martin, J. R.(1992).English Text: System and Structure.Amsterdam:Benjamins.


