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The Condition and speed of Phonological Transition: The Historical Change of Yang Rhyme in Taiwanese Southern Min and the Connection with the Modern Chinese Dialect History


台灣閩南語的古陽聲韻的鼻輔音韻尾變化中,有著分組的傾向,外轉鼻化而內轉則否,這個現象可以聯繫到粵語、晉語、湘語、徽語等漢語方言,並與侗台語系的語言有著類似的變化型式。而內轉非低元音的性質,使之有一增生-i 介音的可能,並由之與外轉區別。江淮官話中以古莊組字的演變區別內外轉,內轉不捲舌,而外轉捲舌。以下分七小節論述之:1. 緒說2. 回顧與探討3. 長短元音與內外轉4. 現代漢語方言與內外轉5. 內轉韻攝的音韻變化6. 餘論-莊組字的變化與內外轉7. 結論


內外轉 陽聲韻 重估 推鏈 蘊涵關係


In the course of sound change, the nasal-consonantal codas of ancient Yang rhyme in Taiwanese Southern Min go along differently. On the one hand, they are nasalized only when undergo outer transition. This phenomenon can keep track with other Chinese dialects, such as Cantonese, Jin dialect, Xiang dialect, and Huei dialect, and parallels with Tong-tai languages. On the other hand, the inner transition of non-low vowels triggers the intrusiveness of medial [-i], and then draws a line to outer transition cases. The change of ancient Zhuang-initials differentiates the inner or outer transition of Jiang-huai Mandarin. The retroflex marks the outer transition cases; while the inner ones remain unchanged. To expound those issues, the paper consists of seven sections as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review and Discussion 3. Vowel length and inner / outer transition 4. Modern Chinese dialects and inner / outer transition 5. The phonological change of inner transition 6. The change of Zhuang-initials and inner / outer transition 7. Conclusion


