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Equilibrium and Punctuation - The Sound Change in the Rime System of Longyan City Southern-Min Dialect




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Representative of the west branch of Southern-Min, the Longyan(龍巖) city dialect exhibits a phonetic system that has undergone a major transition from Southern-Min to Hakka. This phonetic evolution has contributed to a transitional status that differentiates Longyan from the core Southern-Min dialects such as those of Amoy(廈門), Zhangzhou(漳州), and Quanzhou(泉州). Particularly, the rime system of the Longyan dialect shows an equilibrium gradually established through interactions and convergence between the phonetic systems of Southern-Min and Hakka. On the other hand, the Longyan dialect has undergone punctuation as well. While this mutational process evidences its lineage from proto-Min, the phonetic system of Longyan shows difference from modern Southern-Min in the distribution of the rimes -iua and -iua, which appear exclusively after velar initials. This comparison between Longyan and core Southern-Min provides important material for the reconstruction of proto-Min. Furthermore, the evolution of rime system in the Longyan dialect also illustrates that although the dialect has been faced with great assimilative pressure from Hakka, the direction and mechanisms of sound mutation is still checked by certain impervious phonetic characteristics from Min.


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