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Global Modernity, Post-colonial Writing, and Ethnic Violence J. M. Coetzee's Youth and Disgrace


南非小說家柯特吉近期的兩本小說《少年時》(2002)與《屈辱》(1999),均著眼於資本主義與帝國主義全球化與後殖民國家興起的交鋒,南非白人男性的焦慮、失落感與進退失據。這兩本小說所涵蓋的時代背景,倘若放在全球化的歷史分期來看,正是羅伯森所界定的全球化與後殖民交錯的「不確定期」(從一九六零年代到一九九零年代)。 本論文將柯特吉的《少年時》與《屈辱》作對照閱讀,探索柯特吉如何對帝國、殖民、現代性、族裔暴力,以及被殖民者的沉默噤聲,透過其敘事技巧,作反證式批判。這兩部作品間接反諷了以歐美理性啓蒙爲主的西方現代性,以及其所衍生出來有關異/己之倫理、法律標準的權宜性與暫時性。本文亦將探討在舊帝國殘餘影響力和後殖民國家打造計畫的此消彼長,相互頡抗中,後殖民主體所面臨的分裂矛盾,以及發聲書寫的困境:現代性如何隨著資本主義、帝國主義全球化而擴散、變異,而其反證如制度暴力、種族歧視、族裔暴力如何反撲噬毀現代性所強調的理性紀律及倫理價值。


Focusing on J. M. Coetzee's Youth (2002) and Disgrace (1999), this essay investigates Coetzee's antithetical critique on the complicity between globalization, imperialism, and colonialism as well as on the paradoxical intertwining between global modernity and ethnic violence. The two novels reveal the predicament of ”white writing” and ”white anxiety” that has been compounded with the increasingly complicating issues of race, gender, and nationality of South Africa during what Roland Robertson calls ”the period of uncertainty” in the process of globalization. Western modernity has developed as the consequence of globalization of capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism, while the antithesis of modernity like institutionalized violence, racism, and ethnic violence have brought forth the phantasmogoric and provisional nature of western modernity.


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Attwell, David,Babara Harlow(2000).Introduction: South African Fiction After Apartheid.(Modern Fiction Studies).
