  • 期刊


Analysis of Computed Tomography Scanners and Clinical Professionalism of Medical Radiation Technologists in Taiwan


由於科技進步,醫療輻射應用日益普及,民眾接受醫療輻射之比例已大幅增加,美國輻射防護與度量委員會統計資料顯示,其中因電腦斷層檢查所造成的劑量即占二分之一(約1.5 mSv),國內目前現況顯示每年CT 平均成長量為8 %,本研究執行方式是以問卷普查做為全國執行電腦斷層掃描檢查之醫事放射師與設備現況分析的研究方法,對象包括醫學中心、區域醫院以及地區醫院,資料收集期間為2012 年1 月至2012 年12 月,研究結果問卷回收率達86.99 %,共計收集到全國備有CT 設備之機構194 家,結果分成執行CT 檢查之醫事放射師分析及電腦斷層掃描儀設備分析二部份,並對於分析結果提出建議各醫療機構能規範操作人員應有完整之職前教育訓練,各醫療院所能持續培養品保醫事放射師並有專責人力編制,以提升醫療服務品質與病人安全。


Owing to the rapid development of contemporary technology, medical radiation application became more popular and extensively used. The radiation exposure obtained from the medical approaches was increased significantly in the worldwide. According to the documents published by The American National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), the dose contributed from CT scanning is nearly an half of the total dose in medical radiation (about 1.5 mSv). In general, the usage of CT is increased around 8% per year in Taiwan. To explore the current status of CT applications in Taiwan, our study used the paper-based questionnaire survey to gather the information regarding the personnel, number of CT scanners and related issues of CT from each medical facility in Taiwan. Since January to December in 2012, 194 questionnaires were received from different grade of medical facilities which including 20 medical centers, 67 regional hospitals and 107 local hospitals in Taiwan. The response rate of valid questionnaires is 86.99% (194/223). From this data, the characteristics of CT operators (MRTs, Medical Radiological Technologists) and the model of CT scanners were analyzed. Our results demonstrated that 51.13% CT operators did not receive the qualification training for CT quality assurance (QA) and 76.52% of CT scanners were multi-detectors models. These findings indicated that patient’s radiation dose might increase if multi-detectors CT was performed by CT MRT without qualification of QA training. Therefore, we suggested that regular QA training for CT operators and regular QA maintenance for CT scanners are both important to improve the image quality and patient safety.
