  • 期刊


Knee Joint Stress View X-ray - a Prognostic Index for Laxity of ACL Reconstruction Surgery


前十字韌帶損傷是膝關節韌帶損傷中發生率最高的,我們建議在年輕活躍的病患做十字韌帶重建手術。我們利用磁振照影(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)來診斷損傷但昂貴耗時。針對台灣平均排檢MRI 所需時間必須數天到數周,故我們設計此項一般X光攝影–膝關節壓力攝影來輔助診斷。利用影像結果可幫助臨床骨科醫師或臨床工作者在短時間內確診及追蹤前十字韌帶術後病人,且可以減少醫療浪費。這可以是前十字韌帶術後鬆弛度追蹤的指標,亦能用來當作初診病人運動傷害的診斷工具。


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are most common sport injuries among all kinds of the knee joint injuries. We consider performing ACL reconstructive procedures in active young patients. We would use MRI study to confirm the diagnosis of ACL tear. However, MRI study is expensive and time-consuming. In Taiwan, we need average several days to week’s appointment for the MRI study. Then, we design knee joint stress routine X-ray to confirm the diagnosis of ACL and predict prognosis of ACL reconstruction surgery. This stress view can help orthopedic surgeon or clinicians to evaluate the patients in short time and reduce the cost of image study. Stress view X-ray can be a good prognostic index of the laxity of ACL reconstructive patients. Besides, we try to use these methods to be a diagnostic tool in new sport injury patient.
